Pro tips to relieve Low Back Pain

The article focuses on techniques to relieve or prevent mechanical low back pain which arises from incorrect static and dynamic postures, sedentary lifestyle and lack of flexibility.

“Take care of your body. It is the only place you have to live in.” – Jim Rohn

Pro tips for back pain

The spine is an essential structure that connects the shoulder girdle with the pelvic girdle. It provides functional stability proximally to allow mobility of the peripheral limbs. However, most of the time, the spine is put under undue stress to allow functions distally, thus jeopardizing your back.

The spinal cord has numerous exiting nerve roots all throughout the spine, with the lumbar or the low back region having the maximum. An increase in stress on the disc or the vertebras can cause a compression on these nerves or nerve roots leading a myriad of symptoms.


These include:

  1. Localized pain in the lower back
  2. Claudication in calf and limping
  3. Pain radiating to the legs
  4. Tingling and numbness
  5. Heaviness and loss of strength in legs
  6. Loss of Function, for e.g – difficulty in walking

There are different causes/ factors that give rise to the low back pain. This article focuses on techniques to relieve or prevent mechanical low back pain which arises from incorrect static and dynamic postures, sedentary lifestyle and lack of flexibility.

  1. Quantum Resonance Therapy (QRT): In the acute or early stages, pain dominance is high. Relieving pain is essential before jumping for exercises. Quantum Resonance Therapy delivers a combination of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) and Magneto Mechanical Oscillations (MMO) to the affected part. They have anti inflammatory effects on our body, thus reducing muscular spasms. Oxygen rich blood flow is initiated with removal of metabolites and hence helping reduction of pain.
  2. Rest, Relax, Meditate: Adequate amount of rest to the part is essential during the early 14 to 24 hours. One should have lots of water and a healthy diet to replenish the body fluids. Relaxation exercises and meditation could help gain control of pain.
  3. Strengthen your core: The spine and its structures are maintained in position by the core muscles. These include the upper Abdominals, Lower Abdominals, Obliques, Back extensors and Pelvic Floor muscles. A physiotherapist will guide you with the most essential core exercises to protect your spine.
  4. Correct your posture: Having an appropriate posture is extremely essential to avoid unwanted loads on the spine. Proper ergonomics should be followed in static and dynamic postures in day to day lives. This includes the following:

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  • Avoid direct bending while picking heavy objects. Instead, squat and lift the object. Try to divide the weight to both your arms. Contract your core muscle during lifting.
  • Avoid lifting, pulling or pushing of objects in twisted spine positions.
  • While lifting any objects, keep them close to the body.
  • Pushing objects should always be preferred over pulling objects.
  • For professions involving long hours of sitting, use an ergonomic chair with adequate back support. Ensure that you move around and stretch your spine every 30 to 45 minutes during your working hours.
  • For professions with long hours of standing, perform intermittent forward bending. Placing one leg on a step will also reduce loads on the spine.

Remember to treasure your body, because you only have one!

Dr Mandar Dharmadhikari
Dr Mandar Dharmadhikari

Dr Mandar is the founder of ARPIT Rehab Centre and director of Quantesla Medical Technologies, Pune.He has successfully treated more than 40,000 patients over 20 years. Dr. Mandar enjoys treating a diverse clientele using a balanced approach of Celtron, Exercise, Manual therapy and Counselling, specific to the needs of each patient.
He regularly conducts seminars and workshops of Quantum Resonance Therapy for Physiotherapists, students and doctors.

Articles: 22

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