Is QRT an Effective Therapy for Parkinson’s?

Story of a Parkinson's patient with movement stiffness, rigidity, mask face, imbalance and social detachment. Something was progressing fast within her body raising alarms and red alerts in a relatively young age.

Story of a Parkinson’s patient

A middle aged female, presented with movement stiffness, rigidity, mask face, imbalance and social detachment. Something was progressing fast within her body raising alarms and red alerts in a relatively young age. So the vicious cycle of Physician- Specialist- Super specialist- Investigations- diagnosis- multiple opinions of doctors and never ending conclusions began……. finally leading to the diagnosis to Parkinson’s disease.

Is QRT an Effective Therapy for Parkinson’s?

We examined her and made our own functional diagnosis and counselled her, giving her a ray of hope. We started comprehensive physical, mental, cognitive rehabilitation for her. She was treated with PEMF therapy. A systematic exercise program with a diverse range of exercises from simple ROM to gamification, complex activities for fine movements, manual therapy for neck pain, stretching and strengthening exercises, positioning, gait training with challenging patterns were included.

For speech, we used to make her read a paragraph every day from English newspaper. We were training her from basic Marathi and English vowels with gamification and later on tongue twisters. Within 6 weeks she started regaining control of her mind, movements, balance and speech. After 4 months, we gave her a home program. She had finally learnt to manage the disease. There was recurrence of symptoms once the guard on exercises was down. She is doing well now and requires treatment with Quantum Resonance Therapy intermittently. She is back to her daily activities, socializing  more often, and managing the disabling disease with charm and confidence.

Dr Mandar Dharmadhikari
Dr Mandar Dharmadhikari

Dr Mandar is the founder of ARPIT Rehab Centre and director of Quantesla Medical Technologies, Pune.He has successfully treated more than 40,000 patients over 20 years. Dr. Mandar enjoys treating a diverse clientele using a balanced approach of Celtron, Exercise, Manual therapy and Counselling, specific to the needs of each patient.
He regularly conducts seminars and workshops of Quantum Resonance Therapy for Physiotherapists, students and doctors.

Articles: 23

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