The Journey of Energy Generation in Human Cells

Where do humans get their energy?
Cellular energy is the foundation of good health. When we have great cellular energy levels, we think better, feel better, move better,. look better and perform better. Optimum cellular energy offsets the aging process. Whether we are working at a high stress job, busy raising children or in a competitive sport, cellular energy should be the core goal of health and wellness programmes .
The Journey of Energy Generation in Human Cells

BJP Medical Cell : First Physiotherapists Wing in India

Physiotherapists Wing in Nagpur
For the first time in India, the Physiotherapists Wing is formed on a political platform.I request maximum physiotherapists to join this wing! देश  में  पहली  बार  राजनितिक  मंच  पर  फ़िज़ियोथेरेपिस्ट  के  लिए  फैसिओथेरपिस्ट्स  विंग  का  गठन  हुआ । मैं सभी फ़िज़ियोथेरेपिस्ट को इस विंग से जुड़ने का आवाहन करता हूँ। 
BJP Medical Cell : First Physiotherapists Wing in India